EPI 6: Let's Talk Substrate and Nutrients

EPI 6: Let's Talk Substrate and Nutrients

This episode kicks off our 3 part Hoya care series! We have been getting a lot of requests from listeners for in depth information, so here we go! Listen as Jessi, Adam and Lydia go over all the details on Hoya substrate and fertilization. Unsure of your nutrient routine or a new substrate you want to try? This episode is for you!


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Episode 6: Let's Talk Substrate and Nutrients 



Make your own DIY PON!

DIY PON Recipe

Ingredients to make this DIY PON are linked here!


pH balancing your nutrient solution is crucial for nutrient availability to your Hoya! We talked about aiming for 5.5 pH after your nutrients have been added. Overtime, the solution in the substrate becomes alkaline, resulting in your plants obtaining all of the nutrients needed. 

Nutrient Availability

chart courtesy of: 

Roques, Susie & Kendall, Sarah & Smith, K.A. & Newell Price, Paul & Berry, P.. (2013). Review of the non-NPKS nutrient requirements of UK cereals and oilseed. 

A simple pH balancing kit from General Hydroponics


Adam's (@knotdude) tried and true recipe for Hoya growing success!

Adam @knotdude Nutrient

Nutrient solutions we talked about are linked here!



Interested in some of the other substrates or nutrients discussed in this episode? Click here to find them in our Amazon store!

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